I'm sure I've mentioned that baking is not my thing. I'm getting better at it, learning to be more patient with things and so I've been baking more often than in the past. For Joe's 3rd birthday I attempted to make a fire truck cake (which turned out pink and definitely NOT very fire truckish looking) and that was my last attempt at cake art. This year, knowing that I really wanted to make up for not making a cake for his birthday last year, I did tons of research. Found the the best ways to do things and then committed myself to cake for an entire weekend.

Joe and I agreed on a vertical layer cake. I followed I Am Baker's tutorial [
click here]. I made mistakes. I was impatient. The results are less than perfect but the grin on The Spawn's face would have fooled ya. He thought the cake was awesomeness wrapped in a burrito. [Please don't ask why, but everything cool at our house has to be wrapped in a burrito. We're weird.] I'm kind of looking forward to the next birthday cake adventure, which will be The Diva's in October, so lots of time to practice! [I've already been told she wants Tinkerbell. God help me.]
1 comment:
OMG that looks hard to do, but good!
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